Therapy & the Creative Arts
TheraPetee, PLC

Petrina McGowen, MA, LMFT, RDT
Marriage and Family Therapist
Registered DramaTherapist
I am Petrina. People call me Petee. I was named for Peter Pan (and my sister's name is Wendy). I have always believed in all possibilities and in mySelf. I believe I can fly.
I am a therapist, a teacher, a writer, an artist and a passionate creative. I love what I do, working with people, always evolving toward a state of consciousness and love.

Individual, couples & family therapy
Parenting, Co-Parenting & ReParenting
Ongoing weekly classes
Silent SoulWriting Intensives
Zoom and InPerson Retreats
Poetry, Prose, Thoughts & Crots - Readers Theater Performance
Improv Workshops & Performance
Sacred Art Club
Welcome All!
During this incredible time in our lives, what I find the most meaningful, is connecting with our fellow humans with kindness and love. I am so happy to be in this place, able to find the gift in the pain and able to use the purposeful technology of our time to offer individual sessions through Telehealth, safely and securely, as a licensed marriage and family therapist and a nationally registered drama therapist practicing transpersonal psychology and the creative arts. Please reach out if you feel the need or desire to talk or to play.
And remember, always love!