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SoulWriting is...

  • your opportunity to discover, explore and express your deepest thoughts, feelings and ideas;

  • a class that has been going on for 28 years, encouraging personal growth through writing;

  • a sacred space of gathering with a kind hearted, safe and loving community;

  • currently meeting on Zoom Mondays and Thursdays weekly;

  • prompt led by marriage & family therapist/registered Drama Therapist, Petrina McGowen;

  • time and energy spent writing right in the present moment of each writing experience;

  • an ultimate moment of self validation as we each read aloud what we have written, hearing how others resonate with our words, feelings and beliefs.

  • We write poetry, prose, stream of consciousness or just thoughts, each person writing however and whatever bubbles up. There is no experience necessary to write in our classes. We support each other. We evolve as a community, coming to know ourselves, growing personally and communally. It's a beautiful thing.

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