Therapy & the Creative Arts
TheraPetee, PLC

our amazing team...

Petrina McGowen, LMFT, RDT is the owner/director of TheraPetee, PLC in Stuart, Florida. Currently she is practicing as a Florida licensed marriage & family therapist and a registered drama therapist. She created SoulWriting about 25 years ago as a creative, expressive and therapeutic experience of personal growth. Also known as Petee, she has been writing since elementary school, had a play produced in NYC Off Off Broadway in 1976, written and published two chapbooks of poetry and a readers theater play produced by the Theater of the Soul as part of her master's thesis.

Jessica Lee Alton, MS in Education specializing in the Interdisciplinary Arts and Drama Therapy has been writing since she was 8 years old. She has written Open Heart the transformusical, two novels and miles of poetry. Petrina's Soul Writing Class has been an important part of her life for twenty years. She loves artistic expression, world travel and experiencing life to the fullest. She has been a Spiritual Channel since 2005 and offers her readings online from her mountain home in North Carolina. Jessica will bring her whimsy, joie de vivre and her passion for adventure to the Soul Writing Zoom Room. Find Jess @ Channeled Readings by www.QueenJessLee.com

Elizabeth Papp Stinson, Life Coach
I am a butterfly when it comes to writing, transforming words into beauty and pollinating all parts of myself and those around me. Majestically flittering and feeling my beauty touching the lives around me. This beauty attracting and awakening feelings within others that identify with mine and then opening the desire to spread their own wings and cross fertilize the world around ourselves.
Our words are the entryway into ourselves, speaking awakens the feelings.
My journey back to writing a few years ago not only pollinated but gave birth to a new me. The writing created a book of healing based upon reflections of my childhood. Taking me back to those original feelings, working through them and ultimately healing and releasing so much pain.
Writing was the start of the journey, bringing forth the words.
Find Elizabeth @ My Childhood: Getting Over It
Tammy Zumbo, LCSW-R, is a therapist and owner of Balance Energy Wellness, located in the Adirondack region of Upstate New York. She blends energy modalities into her practice, working with people as a life path guide on an intuitive soul level. Tammy works in helping people remember their power, encouraging them to tap into their internal wisdom to heal.
Tammy’s passion for writing as a form of expression and healing began several years ago. She has found that written expression of Soul level work is a powerful healing tool. As an avid writer Tammy seeks to use writing to reach others who are exploring this avenue of expression. Tammy uses written expression in the form of journaling, writing blog posts, and is in the process of writing her first book on energy healing.
You will discover that Tammy has an ability to engage others in the process of uncovering that which we have hidden, to help with the process of our journey on Earth. Tammy’s belief that we are all connected, mind, body, and soul, is one she seeks to help you express through your writing. Tammy’s style is one of gentle, supportive, empathic connection to assist you in your creative expression. We heal together as we heal ourselves. Let us explore that through our writing. Find Tammy @ Balance Energy Wellness