The Creative Drizzle Rag
I am ready to let my creative juices flow! I have realized that in the past few years, I have allowed my creativity to wane. I am a writer. I am an actor. I am an artist. I am a singer. I am a teacher. I am a mover and shaker. It seems lately I have moved and shaken my behind right into a seated position – without a journal, a stage, a microphone or a canvas within arm’s reach.
I am an optimist. I see possibilities and solutions. Glasses are rose colored and mostly half full. I love my life. I have a wonderful partner in my life, who by the way is a musician, a songwriter, a singer and an artist. In our home he has created his music studio, my study and an art room for us to practice our talents and skills. And we love football!
I have four beautiful and lovely grandchildren, four beautiful and lovely children and an incredible West Highland Terrier. We have brothers and sisters and family galore! We gather together whenever possible, eating great food, playing music, making each other laugh with the stories of our lives.
And I am a writer. I am an actor. I am an artist. I am a singer. I am a teacher. I am a co-creator of my life. I am aware that I choose how I spend my time. I know for my ultimate happiness and health that I must create and express creatively. I know that when I go for any period of time without a consistent creative drizzle I lose my light, my energy, my joy.
Then suddenly my fingers begin to get restless, yes I do have restless finger syndrome. I must begin to glue and paint and embellish! I begin to sing Broadway tunes as reply to any comment; I activate old journals and buy new pens; I reinstate accents and dramatic gesture and I visualize performance in every conversation! I move into dreaming and planning and making creative commitments. I spend an inordinate amount of time culling unnecessary, redundant, superfluous words from my finely crafted poetry.
I sigh happily throughout the day. I sleep well at night. And I find myself right here. At peace with my world.